Creative income


I'm Not a Guru!

      My name is Gene I am married with two boys, seven and eight years of
age. I have been experimenting with the internet off and on for the past
9 years now. I am not a rich Guru  by any means of the word, I live day to day just like the average  American who works 9 to 5 or 2 to 10 or whatever. I'm going to a local medical college and working part time doing maintenence where I live. I have tried a truck load of different affiliate programs and 100's of resell products. I have seen some things work while others failed miserably, I've made a little money here and there but no fortune.        I even quit for 3 months once due to having disappointment after
disappointment, but stay with me here! Creative Income was created because of these experiences. I thought to myself... What was I lacking that inhibited my success. This is the answer....I had no one willing to be totally upfront and honest with me it was all butterflies and rainbows until they took my money, then it was like being droppod in the middle of the forest without a map.

       This site is here to share those lessons with any of you who would like to
take advantage of learning from someone else's mistakes. I wish I had someone like that when I was starting out. The internet was new and fantastic, the gurus where here offering everyone free this and that which is still happening it's just a given now.
       Their were offers that said  "All of this for $29.95."  All the newbies thought  "Cool I can do that !"  But once the money's were  transfered it became a whole new ball game. First you needed a host, of course one of thiers or the system would'nt work, then you needed to put the site together, then you needed to upload it,  Then you needed to buy an advertising  package and so on and so on.

        This still rings true today in certain circles, so be wary of what you get
yourself into. If you find a site that offers you a free ready made pre packaged internet business just waiting for you, then you have probally found one of these. Rest assured it's going to cost you loads of  money, hours of training and more than likely cause diappointment.

        Creative Income offers you the opportunity to start out with nothing but a computer. We have no membership fees, No set up fees, No false promises. Just simply, plain out in front of you, options in which you take what you can and go with it. Learn what you want and find resouces to accomplish your own goals in your own way. We do have a membership site which has a lot more information and excellent resources at:
"Creative Income Opportunities"

        If you made it this far thanks, I promise it will be of benefit to you to keep coming back to this site. I have some really cool things to share with you. I will show you how to create your own personal niche on the internet doing what you enjoy doing on your own time your own way. But thats Later. For know get yourself one of these FREE Weebly websites and play around with it. ( I have nothing vested in this) My only affiliation with is that I have this site on their server. There is no Weebly affiliation program that I've found.

         This is just a real simple down to earth program to use in order to build a professional looking website that appeals to everyone. It's up to you what you decide to create with it. If you keep coming back I will be sharing some idea's and tip's with you as well as some really cool programs. So in closing, look around, get some ideas and have some fun free of charge.

For What it's Worth

     This is a subject I really felt inclined to share with any of you that may actually may find yourselves getting into these affiliate programs. I've noticed that they all seem to have a common place when it comes to offering Free Trials in order to get your business.

     This is all well and good, the services are excellent and of great value. But this is what you need to think about, if you are going to use an autoresponder such as Aweber to keep in touch with your potential costumers, then you need to have a product first and foremost. You need to have all of your sales letters pre-written with links to other products or programs that you wish to offer. Then the most important ingredient is that you must have a list. So don't just jump in and sign up for the trial offer until you are completely ready to put your business on auto run. This is a big mistake!

     If you do this right you stand a good chance of paying Aweber for their service with other peoples money.

     The same goes with companies like On-Marketer or IContact these are an excellent source for professional looking E-mails in HTML form which you see everyday in you own inbox. They will occasionally offer free trials as well, sometimes for 7 days and sometimes 14 days. Here too, you want to be sure that you personally are prepared to go forward after that time frame.

     The reason that I felt so inclined to speak on this subject is because you have to build trust. You have to convince your costumers that you are and will always be there for them. If you start an autoresponder program with your costumers and suddenly vanish how will they build any faith in your business sense let alone your products. If you start out sending them beautifully done e-mails and then all of a sudden switch to something less how can they trust you to keep offering a quality product or service.

It Won't work ! I know! I've done it...twice.

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